Business Reviews 

First Impressions: Power Your Launch Marketing Accelerator

No, I’m not goin’ anywhere, and I probably won’t eat for a few more hours, either.

I’m so taken with having gotten into #PowerYourLaunch (an ostensibly well-worth-it marketing program) that I’m consumed with succeeding. I joined yesterday, and I haven’t been able to focus on much else, since.
I have all kinds of thoughts, and I’ll try to chronicle my experience. If you know like I know, though, you know I haven’t kept my word about postin’ regularly. Let’s just say that it took a lot out of me — researchin’ the founder, sizin’ up folks who’d shared testimonials, questionin’ folks in one of my Facebook groups, lookin’ for ANY inconsistency I could find, and some other stuff.

Anyway, if you call, but I don’t answer, or you call, and I do answer, but I seem heavily distracted, know that this program is why. It’s gonna take a quite a bit of work, but that’s what I need. I expected it to be immersive, and it seems that it will be.

So far–not to give too much away–these folks seem to have gone out of their way to cover all bases and lay solid foundations. I haven’t gotten into any of the meat of the program, but if what I’ve experienced so far is any indication of what I should expect, I’m here for it.

I’ll let y’all know how it goes.


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